感谢赞助商支持, 是他们使本次大会成为可能
Groupon is a global leader in local commerce, making it easy for people around the world to search and discover great businesses at unbeatable prices. Groupon is reinventing the traditional small business world by providing merchants with a suite of products and services, including customizable deals, payments processing capabilities and point-of-sale solutions to help them attract more customers and run their operations more effectively. By leveraging the company's global relationships and scale, Groupon offers consumers incredible deals on the best stuff to eat, see, do, and buy in 48 countries.
又拍云存储是国内最早的针对企业的云存储服务提供商,主要为用户提供静态文件云存储、云处理和云分发三大服务。又拍云存储有着8年的创业历程和技术积累,是国内 Amazon S3 + CloudFront 模式的开创者。凭借稳定,安全,快速的服务,目前已有超过30000家企业选择付费使用又拍云存储,使用者包括唱吧,知乎,雪球财经,百姓网,捕鱼达人,one•一个,老虎宝典等众多知名企业。
Faria Systems 是一家以國際學校為客戶的 Software as a Service (SaaS) 軟體公司,對於開發 Integrated information SaaS systems 產品充滿熱情。全球超過九十個不同國家、一千兩百所國際學校使用我們的產品,包括 ManageBac: Planning, Assessment & Reporting System、OpenApply: The Paperless Admissions Office 和 Keybridge: Integrated billing, CRM and analytics for Xero。
七牛云存储是专为移动时代开发者打造的公有云存储平台。公司成立于2011年,由国内云存储行业领军人物之一的许式伟创立,致力于为开发者提供在线数据的安全托管、传输加速以及云端处理的服务。七牛云存储提供了在线数据托管,加速,以及富媒体处理的服务。目前,七牛已经为大量移动互联网,web 2.0, 媒体,电商以及游戏等领域的知名企业提供了全方位的解决方案与服务。
Intridea™ designs and develops simple, intuitive applications to help companies realize the power of social and business collaboration, cloud computing, and next-generation tools for the enterprise. We're also active members in the open source community. We are based in Washington, D.C. and have developers working across the world.
BitFund.PE is one of the earliest bitcoin related private equities in the world, and it focuses on investing and helping bitcoin related projects and startups. By connecting developers and investors, BitFund is accelerating the revolution that bitcoin initiated.
GitCafe 是一个基于代码托管服务打造的项目协作与分享平台,程序开发爱好者们可以通过使用 git 来将他们所写的项目的代码托管在 GitCafe 上,与其他程序员在线协作开发。GitCafe 致力于在中国推进开源软件的发展,通过改善开源社区的交流与协作氛围促进中国 IT 教育的发展。
GitHub is the best way to build software together. GitHub helps everyone work together better by providing tools for easier collaboration and code sharing. Catch up on what happened while you were out or ask for help on a tricky chunk of code. Start collaborating on code today—open source project hosting is free!
Logdown is a platform dedicated to only one thing: Blogging on Programming. With simple, smart and elegant interface, people can concentrate on writing, not formatting. With in-editor preview, you can write technical blog with ease. With our powerful editor, you also can blogging with pitucres with the most amazing user expienece.
快云是业界领先的云计算服务提供商迅达云成公司旗下品牌,专注于为企业提供互联网及企业IT相关基础设施云服务。公司成员绝大多数来自于蓝汛、世纪互联等IT运维服务型上市企业, 利用最新的云计算及互联网技术帮助客户迅速扩展在线业务。