国际顶尖开发者和演讲者, 感受大师风范
This talk covers both Git and GitHub: different tricks I've picked up after three years at GitHub, helpful advice on common gripes I've seen in support tickets and tweets, and just general nifty things that make you a faster, more capable technologist.
Ruby has grown in the last 20 years. The feature-set and field of usage has increased. But also its code-size has reached an exceptional size. For many systems Ruby is nowadays to large.
To reach new systems we have to re-think the way we implement Ruby. We have to shrink Ruby to be able to grow into a new field with an army of small devices.
This talk will cover the development of mruby. The current state of the implementation and the reason why you should contribute to it.
Yes, I'm that crazy, I want to write Ruby server which runs on node.js! In this talk I will build a server written using webruby, compile everything to a single JS file, and runs it on node.js. Let's see how fast it will be comparing to MRI, jruby and pure JS running in node.js. This may not be that useful in real world, but let's just have some fun here :)
一直以來,關於面向對象程序設計(OOP),我們都習慣於使用類(class)進行設計,利用各種設計模式捕捉整個系統的靜態藍圖,卻忘記了 OO 的本質其實是物件之間的訊息互動。不同於其他靜態的 OOP 語言,Ruby 極佳地支援以對象(object)為主角的設計思維。本議程將比較 class-oriented design 和 object-oriented design 的差異,以及在 Ruby 中如何應用以對象為主的設計技巧。
What is an HTTP server? How many protocol specifications are involved in Rack? Why event rocks or sucks? Do you know the design of digital circuits decides your code style? How scheduling scheme affects server performance? Does Ruby forbids or offers concurrency? Will the todays approaches for performance become in vain when hardware evolves? You may not get the answers in this talk because... it's about building a web server.
Lots of developers trust Test Driven Development (TDD) is a sweet way of building web applications, while a large proportion don't do so as I heard as test turns them down at some point. However, writing the test doesn't have to pull down your productivity or bring frustration in fact. This topic shares my experience of testing Rails applications with happy face :) including my thoughts of TDD, how to speed up running the test etc. Hope it helps people return to the sweet way and enjoy in writing test.
Today's top tech entrepreneurs use Lean Startup and Customer Development techniques to rapidly test the market for opportunity before investing intensive development into a product. With its many Gems, community support and infrastructure Ruby on Rails is and ideal language for developing a product to test demand using these techniques. Kevin Dewalt will share specific tactics he has used with Ruby and Rails in developing his own products. If you are an aspiring or current entrepreneur, you'll benefit from knowing not only just how to apply these techniques - but why.
Experience report complete with code walkthrough and design advice based on development of a real-world complex browser-based application using Mongo, Ruby on Rails, Spine.js, Bootstrap and JQuery.
介绍京东云擎的体系架构,着重描述云擎中几个重要部件,细说ruby的EventMachine框架的使用,总结京东云引擎目前遇到的 问题和对未来的展望
Have you heard of a web framework called Ruby on Rails? There're a lot of stuff hidden under the hood of Ruby on Rails that you might not know about, and it might be really useful for you even if you aren't creating a web application. Let's not reimplement the wheel, and see what you can do if you include some part of Rails into your Ruby project.
RSpec is a popular tool for TDD with ruby. In this talk, we start with the seemingly easy topic on using subject and let. Then we dive into the debate on testing using should_receive vs. asserting side effects. We walk through the pros and cons of both approaches and conclude this section with different scenarios when each approach excels. Last part of this talk covers some traps and caveats of RSpec.
There are tons of online resource about JRuby: what it is good at and how to use it. But very few tells you what it takes to migrate an existing service, especially a mission critical one, to JRuby. In this talk, we will share our experience of migrating an HA (high availability) payment service that processes millions of transactions to JRuby in a totally transparent way to our clients: what challenges we ran into and what our solutions are.
如何在 rails 项目中逐渐抽取lib, gem, 第三方服务,各种不靠谱的尝试以及在演进过程中的各种替换Gem的思考。同时会有一些坑的分享,比如为什么 sidekiq 靠不住之类。
Some times our projects becomes bigger and bigger, a lot of objects will be coupling together, it seems bad. But if you use stubs and mocks in your test, it will drive you to develop a better object oriented design. The test will drive us to abstract some new objects that beyond Rails.
寫出容易維護的純 Ruby / Rails code 門檻並不高。但開發網站過程中,最令人頭疼的是,當程式碼牽扯到 UI 層面,許多事情就亂了套。這個 talk 會分享許多實務上如何設計維護性高的 View 的最佳實踐。Helper, Partial, Cells, Decorate Object, View Object, Form , Policy Object, 这个主题将向你一一讲解。
Programming is difficult. As programmers, we know how hard it is to write good code. Some of the job of a good programming language is to make this easier. In part, languages do that by having a convenient syntax and good libraries. But there's something else, too. They should make you happy when you use them, because then you'll do your best work.
The Ruby language makes me happy. Interestingly, many of the reasons I'm happy using Ruby are the same reasons my wife and I love being in China.
In this talk I'll explore the reasons why both China and Ruby make me happy.